

The BNCA Library has a rich collection of books and other reading and reference material. It has a library management software called KOHA which facilitates students to access the book catalogue through their mobiles. The library has open access to students to choose their books from a range of architectural knowledge domains from history, heritage to recent trends in digital architecture. It also has rare reference books, portfolios and building drawings. The library has an OPAC terminal for student access and barcode support to software for an automated book issue system. The library supports the vision and mission of the college. 

The library possesses 11846 volumes including textbooks, reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, code books, BSI standards and data sources books in architecture. BNCA Library also has bound volumes, thesis, research reports and 1000 audiovisual materials such as CD, DVD etc. More than 25 national and international journals are available. Great works of alumni are preserved in digital as well as printed format. It has a large collection of e-journals through subscribed databases called EBSCO – Art and Architecture. 

The library has a huge reading hall with a capacity of 100 students to study. The library premises are air-conditioned and Wi-Fi enabled. The library staff is cooperative and always ready to cater to the students by offering different services. The library has CCTV cameras as a security system and scanning, printing and photocopy facilities. 


The BNCA Library is committed create a strong bond between knowledge resources and the user fraternity of Faculty and students. The services rendered by the Library cater to their progress in Academics and Research. The Library contributes to the institutional goal of imparting Architectural Education and cultivates creativity. 


The BNCA Library is constantly engaged in extending Information Resources to its users.    The Library also aims at preserving the incunabula materials to meet the specific requirements of the future architects. We intend to use the latest technology and Resources to support the pedagogy in Architecture discipline. We also provide well defined infrastructure and conducive atmosphere for independent learning and Research for Students and Faculty. 

Library Statistics

Donated Books
Research Books
Total No of Books
Total Titles
AV Material CD
Bound Volumes
Periodical Issues
E-Journals by title
E Books

Advisory Team

  • Dr.Anurag KashyapVisionary and Advisor 
  • Prof. Sharvey DhongadeAdvisor Administration 
  • Prof. Chetan SahasrabuddheLibrary Administration and Management 
  • Ar. Ninad JogTeam Member 
  • Dr. Amita S. PradhanLibrarian 

Library Staff

  • Dr. Amita S. Pradhan
    (M.A., M.Lib.I.Sc, Ph.D, Librarian, Ph.D in Information Audit and has 23 years of experience.)
  • Mr. B. P. Udamale (Asst. Libn)
  • Mr. S. D. Bansode (Lib. Clerk)
  • Mrs. P.S. Deshmane (Lib. Clerk)
  • Mrs. R. V. Chavan( Lib. Attendant)

Library Rules

  • All Students and Faculty are most welcome to the Library, We have suggestion Box kept at the Entrance of the library to give your recommendation for more efficient service. 
  • Student need to show I- card when demanded. Bio metric recording is compulsory for Library entry. Keep the Bags and other belongings on the Baggage counter , please, ensure its safety. 
  • The students will get 2 books and 1 Journal/magazine issue for 1 week home lending, they can renew the Book or Journal/ magazine for 1 week more either by visiting the Library or on phone. 
  • If the due date is missed, late fees of Rs 5/- will be charged per day. 
  • Reference material like CDs, Reports ,charts will be issued against I –card for 2 days. For this special material overdue charges will be Rs.10/-  per day. 
  • Reference Books are to be consulted in the Library only. 
  • Students need to reimburse the Book or pay the latest edition charges, if the books are misplaced or damaged by them. 
  • Pass out students should ensure that they are signing No Dues in time. 
  • Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) is available for finding the Books by keyword. 
  • E – journals and Databases are available for browsing, downloading and printing from Library.